Things are pretty low-key on the homestead as we finish up all our little projects and prepare for the big holiday weekend. My sister, Anna, is here to visit for a couple days and we’ve been dressing up the girls in their Christmas outfits!! Anna got to experience firsthand the ins and outs of our weekly photoshoots. She was laughing at me making high pitch sounds and squealing at the babes trying to make them smile or look at the camera. Made me realize how silly the whole scene probably looks! Girlfriends are getting geared up for a festive weekend!!!
Nick and I (and the girls!) wish you all a very happy and safe holiday weekend, filled with minimal family drama and maximum caloric intake!
Have a very fun Christmas family gathering, Bethany. Love the pics of the twins.
Happy Holidays to you and your family! Don’t forget to take lots of adorable pics of the girls’ first Christmas!