We realized this morning that today the girls are 11 months! Say whaaaaa? I just can’t believe how fast the time goes. Is it normal that my heart still swells when I look at them? I hope that never EVER goes away.
Both girls started waving ‘bye bye’ this week, which is cute on so many levels. I’ve been trying so hard to teach them to clap, but they just aren’t into it. Paisley’s separation anxiety is pretty much gone. She’s very independent now, and explores all corners of the house. She plays at the bottom of the stairs, but hasn’t attempted to climb them yet… soon it will be time for gates!
Adelyn has been showing signs of wanting to crawl, but just hasn’t quite figured it out yet. She’s such a laid-back baby, and so content! She may just walk without ever crawling! And that’s ok too. 🙂
In the evenings, we pick up the toys in the living room ‘as a family’ to the tune of “Hi Ho the Dario” using whatever words pop into our heads. We’re hoping the girls will eventually catch on and realize that it’s time to put their toys into the basket! It’s ok to start early, right?
To look back through the girls weekly pictures, click HERE!
They are so cute and growing so fast! Where does time go???
That is so sweet, you should TELL your daughter this. I’m sure it would make her day! 🙂
The swell of your heart will never go away..I have a nineteen year old and my heart still swells when I see her. They grow up in a blink of an eye..grab every moment and commit it to memory,e cherish it!! xoxo
Lori from Texas