I recognize that I’m blogging in the evening and that it’s not characteristic of me… but the girls had their 6 month appointment late this afternoon, and I wanted to wait so I could post their stats! I should begin by saying, it was one of the most traumatic experiences I’ve had in my recent memory. So traumatic that I think I might remember it for years to come. See these glowing little faces?
together when wearing a dress or skirt. It won’t be long before Paisley’s playing house
with her Popple, and Dell is outside digging holes in the mud.
They were not so glowing for the 2 hours we were in tiny cold exam room. This was the first time ever that I’ve felt like I wished I had a second person with me. Nick, my mom, the neighbor… ANYBODY. Adelyn screamed for the whole visit. And not just regular screaming. The type that she reserves for her night terrors. And there was a loose stool incident that I blocked out. The whole visit was pure chaos. Mayhem if you will. I didn’t get a chance to ask any of the questions I had come with. I didn’t get to console Paisley after her shots. I barely even heard this information:
Paisley: 16.5 lbs 26.5 inches
Adelyn: 16.5 lbs 26.5 inches
In case you’re skimming and not really caring, it’s really crazy that the girls weigh the EXACT same and measure the EXACT same. The nurses couldn’t believe it. They definitely carry their weight differently… Paisley is bigger-boned, and Dell has a big head and cheeks that are heading south for the winter.
Girlfriends are asleep for the night, and I’m going to get back to my glass of wine and homemade pizza (complements of the sensitive man-boy). Cheers.
Oh no! Can I say it doesn’t get easier as they get older?..I took my twins for their 5 yr shots and what was I thinking letting baby girl watch her twin brother get his shots?! As huge silent tears rolled down my son’s cheeks, he gave me a look that said, “You are no longer my Mother.” Meanwhile, I had to literally wrench my daughter’s fingers from the doorjamb and wrestle her to the exam table while she screamed bloody murder!! Good times! 3 years later, when we reminisce about it now, we laugh–honestly! So the memory of this day may never fade, but hopefully the pain of it will–for all 3 of you!:) Super cute pic, btw–Paisley looks like she’s doing a seated curtsy!
Oh my, can’t believe they’re 6mths already!!
maybe they just measured the same girl twice! lol j/k I love the adorable pictures and stories about your girls!!!
They’re adorable. I wish I had been there! Mom