Sometimes I wish I could post the entire progression of pictures I take on a given Friday. It would be hilarious to view it as a flip book… girlfriends are ALL.OVER.THE.PLACE. Usually the best picture is the first or second one I take. And after that, it’s like trying to corral two wild circus animals to not only sit still, but also smile and both be looking at the camera simultaneously. If you follow us on facebook, you saw an example of this week’s shenanigans. Each Friday, I consider it a legit miracle to come out strong with a picture like this:
Sure, it’s no Molly Long Photography, but it’ll do. 🙂
Adjectives that I would use to describe current personality traits, starting with my firstborn:
Paisley (left): mischievous, comedic, ambitious, stubborn, independent, tense, athletic.
Adelyn (right): soft, fluffy, cuddly, sensitive, shy, content, sweet, curious, loving.
Oh yeah! And today the girls are wearing shirts that were given to us by one of our readers, who coincidentally used to live in the town I grew up in! She sent us little Go-Hawk t-shirts from my high school alma mater WSR! Goooo Go-Hawks! Thanks Wendy!!
I didn’t know you used to live around here and I’ve been reading you for close to a year now! Cool! LOVE the Go-Hawks shirts! You should see my sons’ bedroom… black and gold walls, black embroidered Go-Hawk comforters, sheets, and pillow cases. Yeah. We’re a little fanatical about our Go-Hawks around here. 🙂
The bright orange chair makes a nice backdrop to the kids. They look even more cute.
super cute, miss you guys!
You got my eyes watering again, Beth. Must be time to come and get some hugs. They are so cute! And they look like they are just FUN all the time. You are a great mom.
I just love looking at your girls’ Friday Photos. They are moverz & shakerz now, aren’t they?? Keep up the good work!!
They are so stinkin’ cute, Beth.
OMG They are just so cute!!!!!