Our daughter has been living with a very small closet that isn't conducive to her height, or needs, at all. It's so small, and the clothing bar is too high for her to reach, and there is SO much wasted space. Giving the closet a makeover was so fun, and now it's more efficient and meets her needs! Why did I wait so long?! *This post is sponsored by our friends at DAP. Thank you for supporting ... [ Read More ]
Kids Closet Storage Ideas
When the twins moved into what used to be the guest bedroom, I knew I had to deal with the closet situation. Even if it wasn't filled with random photography equipment, old prom dresses from 20 years ago, and boxes of memories, this closet still isn't suitable to be a kids closet with all the storage needs that they have. Cringey, right? Se started out by removing all the shelves on the ... [ Read More ]
ADD CLOSET SHELVING to any builder-grade closet!
Once upon a time, there was a unappreciated closet in the guest room. It housed my old prom dresses and random other nonsense. Since it was the guest room, we rarely went in there and it just didn’t matter. IT JUST DIDN’T. But then it did. It started to matter when our guest room became our twin girls’ room a couple years ago… …at which point this closet suddenly had to hold lots of pink and ... [ Read More ]
Kids and Nursery Closet Organization Ideas
It’s hard to believe it was almost than 5 years ago that we shared the details about making over the nursery closet. We found that making some very simple changes and implementing some unique closet organization ideas made SUCH a difference! *this post contains affiliate links* Here’s a breakdown on what we did: Paint everything white! (WHY would you paint a closet a dark color?!) Rip the ... [ Read More ]
Custom Closet Shelving ~ A Tutorial!
So we live in this OLD house, right? And apparently 112 years ago, storage solutions weren’t on the forefront of home-builders’ minds. Because our old farm house is without a single coat closet, linen closet… and pantry (until we made our own). But instead of complaining about our LACK of storage, I should just be grateful that we even have closets in our bedrooms! Because we’re pretty sure they ... [ Read More ]