Wednesday Greetings to you! THANK YOU to all of you that weighed in on our epic curtain dilemma! So many good suggestions and things to think about! Right now I’m leaning towards something light and sheer, but I’m not going to jump into anything just yet. We’ve been bizzy bizzy around here… but what else is new, right y’all? Nick has been plugging away at ‘Operation Extend the Bathroom Vanity’, ... [ Read More ]
Search Results for: label/Backsplash
Random Matters
Oh man, whatta weekend y’all! Friday, after much deliberation, we purchased a new (to us) vehicle! The Jeep was on it’s last leg, and we knew it was time. Thanks to all of you that weighed in on the van vs crossover debate on our Facebook page! We ended up driving home a 2006 Honda Odyssey, and I’m completely smitten with it. So roomy, so convenient… and there are no smashed Cheerio’s on the ... [ Read More ]
Dry Erase Chalkboard Calendar… Fun, Funky, Functional and FABULOUS!
I know many of you are new (ish) to our blog, and it’s easy for me to forget and assume that you remember every post and every project since the beginning of time Sawdust and Embryos. So in the interest of getting you up so speed on our kitchen calendar situation… let’s start from the beginning! The walls in our kitchen have no texture, so we thought it would be so fun to make a calendar out of ... [ Read More ]
How to paint a backsplash!
I'm going to teach you how to PAINT your backsplash to look like actual tile! There are SO many possibilities... with pattern, color combination, etc. This is a great option of you're not ready to commit to the permanency of tile (or the cost, or messy installation). I decided to paint over our backsplash (that I painted the very first week we lived in this house). This is what it looked ... [ Read More ]
Brenda’s Backsplash
I usually try to keep our backsplash updates over on our S/E Backsplash Website, but this most recent one we painted was a little different... and we think deserves a shout-out! Brenda's getting her house all gussied up to put it on the market, and naturally she brought us in to do our thing in her kitchen! We were a little nervous about painting over a darker 'grout' line: Brenda wanted long ... [ Read More ]
Headboard Reveal
We've been working like a couple craizies, but the most fun has been had in the form of painting backplashes to look like real tile, and crafting custom headboards for a little side cash. It's helping our Fertility Fund grow little by little!!So here it is! Our most recent headboard creation! I give you... the handmade Chocolate Brown queen sized headboard. ... [ Read More ]