Here’s the story on how our kitchen painting project turned into what felt like a demolition and remodel:
I came home from work one evening and decided to finish painting the kitchen Dark Teal!! It was just dark enough outside that I couldn’t paint without the kitchen light on. But when I flipped it on… NOTHING HAPPENED. This happens about 50% of the time with our tacky fluorescent central lighting in our kitchen. It just flickers, and then nothing. On this particular evening… it. made. me. furious! All I wanted to do was finish painting!
It was at that point that I called Nick at work and said, ‘do not come home until you’ve gone to Menard’s and spent whatever it costs to put in kitchen lights that will actually WORK. And while you’re at it, pick up some decorative pendant lights to hang over my island.’ …The rest is history.
Although Nick has some experience with electrical wiring and such, his dad’s knowledge is vast. So He and Diane came up for the weekend. It was messy.
Father and son bonded.
This was after sweeping just the kitchen.